What is Phishing

A phishing attack is a cyberattack by a malicious actor who attempts to extract sensitive information from users by pretending to be a familiar actor. Common phishing attempts are done by sending a user an email asking them to verify or change their username and/or password, pretending for example to be the user’s bank. The email usually contains a link that redirects the user to a fake website very similar to the user’s bank, where he would enter his credentials, that are then taken by the attacker and used to steal his assets.


Phishing in the crypto world is even more dangerous because transactions on the blockchain are irreversible. Therefore, users should be extra careful and take the necessary precautionary measures. It is recommended to be suspicious of any request that asks sensitive information. If you receive such requests, do not click on links in these emails, but rather verify the authenticity of the contents of this email by directly contacting the entity in question through secure ways. Always carefully examine the address if you are sending a crypto payment.


A phishing attack is a cyberattack by a malicious actor who attempts to extract sensitive information from users by pretending to be a familiar actor.

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